Category:Botanists with author abbreviations
This category is for botanists with an author abbreviation as recognised in Brummitt & Powell's Authors of plant names and recorded by IPNI. Please do not move articles into it directly: instead, please use the template {{botanist}}. This category ideally should be the set of all botanists who simultaneously have a standardized author abbreviation in Authors of plant names and a Wikipedia article. It is intended to be a subset of the List of botanists by author abbreviation, which roughly provides a correspondence between abbreviation and name for all authors of plant species treated in Wikipedia, whether or not the author has an article. Authors of plant names is itself a subset of the set of all authors of botanical names; that set continues to grow as new botanists author names of plants.
Pages in category "Botanists with author abbreviations"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,529 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Aaron Aaronsohn
- Isabella Abbott
- Clarke Abel
- Giuseppe Acerbi
- Erik Acharius
- Julián Acuña Galé
- Jumaat Haji Adam
- Johann Friedrich Adam
- Adam Afzelius
- Carl Adolph Agardh
- Jacob Georg Agardh
- Vernon Ahmadjian
- William Aiton
- William Townsend Aiton
- Lucas Alamán
- Friedrich Alefeld
- Frédéric-Louis Allamand
- Jean-Nicolas-Sébastien Allamand
- Francisco Freire Allemão e Cysneiro
- Paul H. Allen
- Jean-Charles Alphand
- Prospero Alpini
- Talita Fontoura Alves
- Oakes Ames (botanist)
- Giovanni Battista Amici
- Johann Amman
- Edgar Anderson
- Robert Henry Anderson
- Charles William Andrews
- Orazio Antinori
- Agnes Arber
- Pietro Arduino
- Vladimir Arnoldi
- Joseph Charles Arthur
- Edwin Ashby
- Peter Shaw Ashton
- Ignacio Jordán Claudio de Asso y del Río
- Claude Aubriet
- John James Audubon
- Félix de Azara
- E. B. Babcock
- Churchill Babington
- Michael Bach (entomologist)
- Curt Backeberg
- Charles David Badham
- James Eustace Bagnall
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
- Henri Ernest Baillon
- John Gilbert Baker
- Ernst Gottfried Baldinger
- Isaac Bayley Balfour
- John Hutton Balfour
- Peter William Ball
- Giuseppe Gabriel Balsamo-Crivelli
- John Banister (naturalist)
- Joseph Banks
- Andrés Barbero
- Elso Sterrenberg Barghoorn
- Joachim Barrande
- Sir John Barrow, 1st Baronet
- Wilhelm Barthlott
- Benjamin Smith Barton
- John Bartram
- William Bartram
- Heinrich Anton de Bary
- Agostino Bassi
- Henry Charlton Bastian
- Richard Austin Bastow
- Alexander Theodorowicz Batalin
- James Bateman
- Giovanni Antonio Battarra
- Ferdinand Bauer
- Franz Bauer
- Gaspard Bauhin
- Johann Bauhin
- Randall James Bayer
- Chauncey Beadle
- William James Beal
- Anthony Bean
- John Stanley Beard
- Gustave Beauverd
- Palisot de Beauvois
- Odoardo Beccari
- Johann Matthäus Bechstein
- Günther Beck von Mannagetta und Lerchenau
- Johann Beckmann
- Richard Henry Beddome
- John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford
- Henry Beeke
- Alan Ackerman Beetle
- Hans Hermann Behr
- Walter A. Bell
- John Joseph Bennett
- George Bentham
- Robert Bentley (botanist)
- Joseph Charles Bequaert
- Friedrich von Berchtold
- Alwin Berger
- David Hendricks Bergey
- Sven Berggren
- Karl Heinrich Bergius
- Miles Joseph Berkeley
- Jean-Louis Berlandier
- Johann Jakob Bernhardi
- Heinrich Agathon Bernstein
- Edward W. Berry
- Sabin Berthelot
- Antonio Bertoloni
- Moisés Santiago Bertoni
- Pancrace Bessa
- Ernst Bessey
- Charles Lucien de Beurmann
- Agathe L. van Beverwijk
- Clarence Bicknell
- John Carne Bidwill
- Jacob Bigelow
- Gustaf Johan Billberg
- George Christopher Molesworth Birdwood
- Clas Bjerkander
- John McConnell Black
- Frederick Blackman
- Elizabeth Blackwell (illustrator)
- Stanley Thatcher Blake
- Ralph Anthony Blakelock
- William Blakely
- Albert Francis Blakeslee
- Thomas Blakiston
- Francisco Manuel Blanco
- Henry Francis Blanford
- Ethelbert Blatter
- Andrew Bloxam
- Carl Ludwig Blume
- Axel Gudbrand Blytt
- Paolo Boccone
- Hieronymus Bock
- Henri Théophile Bocquillon
- Christian Peder Bianco Boeck
- Herman Boerhaave
- Pierre Edmond Boissier
- Pierre Boitard
- Wenceslas Bojer
- Henry Nicholas Bolander
- Ernst Boll
- Carl Bolle
- Henry Luke Bolley
- James Bolton
- Roland Bonaparte
- Gustav Heinrich von Bongard
- Gaston Bonnier
- Clemens Maria Franz von Bönninghausen
- Alexandre Boreau
- Antonina Borissova
- Moritz Balthasar Borkhausen
- Carl Julius Bernhard Börner
- Jean-Baptiste Édouard Bornet
- Jean Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent
- Jean-Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent
- Alexandru Borza
- Jan Just Bos
- Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc
- Carl David Bouché
- Jean Louis Émile Boudier
- George Albert Boulenger
- T. F. Bourdillon
- Thomas Edward Bowdich
- Frederick Orpen Bower
- Mary Bowerman
- Edward Augustus Bowles
- William Brackenridge
- John Bradbury (naturalist)
- Ezra Brainerd
- Charles John Brand
- Dietrich Brandis
- Dimitrie Brândză
- John Casper Branner
- Alexander Braun
- Emma Lucy Braun
- François Gabriel de Bray
- Jacob Gijsbertus Samuël van Breda
- Giacomo Bresadola
- Emil Bretschneider
- William Henry Brewer
- Barbara G. Briggs
- George Edward Briggs
- John Isaac Briquet
- Henry William Bristow
- Nathaniel Lord Britton
- Giovanni Battista Brocchi
- Irwin M. Brodo
- Adolphe-Théodore Brongniart
- Alexandre Brongniart
- Ian Brooker
- Maurice Brooks
- Félix de Avelar Brotero
- Viktor Ferdinand Brotherus
- Addison Brown
- Forest B. H. Brown
- N. E. Brown
- Patrick Browne