Green Party (Ireland) Front Bench
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The Green Party lost all its seats at the 2011 general election and has no representation in the 31st Dáil. Its current front bench, formed in 2012, is non-parliamentary.
2012-present (non-parliamentary)
Portfolio | Spokesperson |
Party leader | Eamon Ryan |
Deputy leader/Education and Skills | Catherine Martin |
Public Expenditure and Reform | Ciarán Cuffe |
Social Protection | Roderic O'Gorman |
Justice, Equality and Defence | Joan Campbell |
Transport, Tourism and Sport | Adam Douglas |
Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation | Marianne Butler |
Health | Oisín Ó hAlmhain |
European Affairs | Brian Meaney |
Foreign Affairs and Trade | Niamh Fitzgibbon |
Housing and Planning | Tom Kivlehan |
Environment, Community and Local Government | Malcolm Noonan |
Communications, Energy and Natural Resources | Ossian Smith |
Children and Youth Affairs | Patrick Costello |
Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht | Rian Coulter |
Forestry | Cathy Fitzgerald |
Agriculture, Food and Marine | Seamus Sheridan |
Finance | Mark Dearey |
Welfare | Lorna Bogue |
Portfolio | Spokesperson |
Party leader | John Gormley |
Deputy leader | Mary White |
Education | Paul Gogarty |
Transport Enterprise, Trade and Employment Communications, Marine and Natural Resources |
Eamon Ryan |
Portfolio | Spokesperson |
Party Leader | Trevor Sargent |
Finance Social and Family Affairs Community, Rural Development and the Islands |
Dan Boyle |
Foreign Affairs Defence Health and Children Party Chairman |
John Gormley |
Portfolio | Spokesperson |
Environment | Ciarán Cuffe (until 2003) |