James L. Gelvin

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Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found. James L. Gelvin (born February 12, 1951) is an American scholar of Middle Eastern history.[1] He has been a faculty member in the department of history at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) since 1995 and has written extensively on the history of the modern Middle East, with particular emphasis on nationalism and the social and cultural history of the modern Middle East.


Gelvin earned his B.A. from Columbia University in 1983, M.A. from the School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University in 1985, and Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1992. Before joining the faculty at UCLA, Gelvin taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston College, and Harvard University. He has been a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (1999–2000) and the recipient of a U.C. President’s Fellowship in the Humanities (1999–2000). In 2002-3, he was Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Visiting Professor of History at the American University in Beirut.

Teaching Awards

In 2015, the Middle East Studies Association honored Gelvin with its Undergraduate Teaching Award, citing his “outstanding commitment to the practice and substance of undergraduate teaching, through his classroom performance, his training of future generations of undergraduate teachers, and his well-received undergraduate textbooks....James Gelvin’s accomplishments as a teacher and the teaching materials he has produced for others exemplify the kind of undergraduate teacher this award is meant to recognize." Gelvin also received the Faculty Excellence Award, presented by the UCLA chapter of Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society in 1998.

Works by Gelvin


Global Muslims in the Age of Steam and Print, 1850-1930 (co-editor, University of California Press, 2013).

The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2012).

2nd Edition, 2015.

Israel Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War (Cambridge, ENG: Cambridge University Press, September 2005).

2nd Edition, 2007.

Italian Edition, Giulio Einaudi Editore SpA, 2007.

Polish Edition, Jagiellonian University Press, 2008.

3rd Edition, 2013.

Portuguese Edition, 2016.

The Modern Middle East: A History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004).

2nd Edition, 2007.

Italian Edition, Giulio Einaudi Editore SpA, 2008

3rd Edition, 2011.

4th Edition, 2015.

Turkish Edition, 2016.

Divided Loyalties: Nationalism and Mass Politics in Syria at the Close of Empire (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998).


“The Arab Uprisings: Lessons to be Learned (and Unlearned),” Forum: “Arab Springs,” Il Mestiere di Storico 5:1 (March 2013).

“‘Modernity,’ ‘Tradition,’ and the Battleground of Gender in Early Twentieth-Century Damascus,” Die Welt Des Islams (Winter 2012).

“‘Coup-Proof?” History Today (August 2011).

“Nationalism, Anarchism, Reform: Understanding Political Islam from the Inside Out,” Middle East Policy XVII, 3 (Fall 2010).

“‘Arab Nationalism’ Meets Social Theory,” “Pensée: ‘Arab Nationalism’: Has a New Framework Emerged?," International Journal of Middle East Studies 41 (2009).

“Al-Qaeda and Anarchism: A Historian’s Reply to Terrorology,” and “Al-Qaeda and Anarchism: A Historian’s Reply to Terrology: Response to Commentaries,” Terrorism and Political Violence 20:4 (2008).

“The Politics of Notables Forty Years After,” Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 40:1 (June 2006).

“Globalization, Religion, and Politics in the Middle East: The Current Crisis in Historical Perspective,” Global Development Studies (Winter 2004/Spring 2005).

“Islamism and Nationalism: Common Roots, Common Destinies,” Beiruter Blaetter: Mitteilungen des Orient-Institutes Beirut, 10-11 (March 2004).

“Zionism and the Representation of ‘Jewish Palestine’ at the New York World’s Fair, 1939-1940” The International History Review XXII:1 (March 2000).

"Modernity and Its Discontents: On the Durability of Nationalism in the Arab Middle East," Nations and Nationalism 5:1 (January 1999).

"The League of Nations and the Question of National Identity in the Fertile Crescent," in World Affairs (Summer 1995).

"The Social Origins of Popular Nationalism in Syria: Evidence for a New Framework," in International Journal of Middle East Studies (November 1994).

"Demonstrating Communities in Post-Ottoman Syria," in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History XXV:I (Summer 1994).

Chapters in Edited Volumes

"Comprendiendo las insurrecciones árabes," in G. Conde et al. (eds.), Mundo árabe: Levantamientos populares, contextos, crisis y reconfiguraciones (Ciudad de México: El Colegio de México/CIDE, 2015).

“Was There a Mandates Period? Some Concluding Thoughts,” in Cyrus Schayegh and Andrew Arsan (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates (New York: Routledge, 2015).

“Reassessing the Recent History of Political Islam in Light of the Arab Uprisings,” in Fahed Al-Sumait et al. (eds.), Conceptualizing the Arab Uprisings: Origins, Dynamics, and Trajectories (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014).

“The Arab World at the Intersection of the Transnational and National,” in David W. Lesch and Mark Haas (eds.), The Arab Spring: Change and Resistance in the Middle East (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2012).

Reprinted in Karl Yambert (ed.), The Contemporary Middle East: A Westview Reader (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2013).

Revised and translated as “Arap Ayaklanmalarini Anlamak” in Y. Dogan Cetinkaya (ed.), Ortadogu: Direnis, Devrim, Emperyalizm (Istanbul:Iletisim Yayinlari, 2013).

Revised for 2nd Edition, 2016.

“American Global Economic Policy and the Civic Order in the Middle East,” Michael Bonine et al., Is There a Middle East? (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2012).

“The Middle East Breasted Discovered,” in Geoff Emberling and John Larson (eds.), Pioneers to the Past: American Archaeologists in the Middle East, 1919-20 (Chicago: Oriental Institute, 2010).

“Resolution of the Syrian General Congress—1919,” in Neil Schlager (ed.), Milestone Documents in World History (Dallas: Schlager Group, 2010).

“Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?: Reassessing the Lineages of Nationalism in Bilad al-Sham,” in Thomas Philipp and Christoph Schumann (eds.), From the Syrian Land to the State of Syria (Würtzburg: ERGON Verlag, 2004).

“T.E. Lawrence and Historical Representation,” in Charles Stang (ed.), The Waking Dream of T.E. Lawrence: Essays on His Life, Literature, and Legacy (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2002).

“Secularism and Religion in the Arab Middle East: Reinventing Islam in a World of Nation States,” in Derek R. Peterson and Darren Walhof (eds.), The Invention of Religion: Rethinking Belief and Politics in History (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002).

“Developmentalism, Revolution, and Freedom in the Arab Middle East: The Cases of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq,” in Robert H. Taylor (ed.), The Idea of Freedom in Asia and Africa (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002).

"(Re)Presenting Nations: Demonstrations and Nationalisms in Pre-Mandate Syria," in F. Moge Gocek (ed.), Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East (Albany: SUNY Press, 2002).

“Napoleon in Egypt as History and Polemic,” in Irene Bierman (ed.), Napoleon in Egypt (Reading, ENG: Ithaca Press, 2003).

“The Other Arab Nationalism: Syrian/Arab Populism in Its Historical and International Contexts" in James Jankowski and Israel Gershoni (eds.), Rethinking Nationalisms in the Arab World (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997).

"The Ironic Legacy of the King-Crane Commission," in David W. Lesch (ed.), The United States in the Middle East: A Historical Reassessment (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995).


Online Commentary: “Could an End to Syria’s Civil War be in Sight?” The Conversation, 17 December 2015, https://theconversation.com/could-an-end-to-syrias-civil-war-be-in-sight-52063.

Podcast: Getting Curious: “What's the Difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims and Why Don't They Love Each Other?,” 16 December 2015, http://www.maximumfun.org/getting-curious/getting-curious-whats-difference-between-sunni-and-shia-muslims-why-dont-they-love-e.

Videocast: Forum on Kurds: Crisis in Syria and Iraq, 15 December 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ync6ZjgeCAo.

Videocast: MESA Special Panel, “Debating Syria’s Future,” 15 December 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBNPJl3LNLo&feature=youtu.be.

“Preparing and Delivering Conference Papers,” Issues in Middle East Studies 37:2 (November 2015).

Videocast: “James Gelvin addresses The Plato Society on the Rise and Fall of the Islamic State,” 21 May 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXG9mRhuaBg.

Podcast: Book Talk: “The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know, 2nd ed., 20 May 2015. http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/podcasts/TheArabUprisings-hf-1av.mp3.

Online Commentary: “Six Predictions about What Will Happen in Syria,” History News Network, 17 May 2015. http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/159417.

Videocast: “The Past and the Future of the Middle East,” Panel: “Why History Matters and the Future of History,” Department of History, UCLA and Center for Near Eastern Studies, UCLA, 2 April 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHALhftiNrs.

Videocast: “The Legacy of World War II in the Middle East,” Alden-Berg Lecture: “Legacies of World War I, UCLA History Department, 9 March 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL7NaJncaOQ.

Online Commentary: “Don’t Blame Sykes-Picot,” OUPblog, History News Network, 7 February 2015. http://blog.oup.com/2015/02/dont-blame-sykes-picot/, http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/158462.

Podcast: “The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State,” Panel: “The Islamic State and the Yazidi Genocide,” UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, 4 February 2015. http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/podcasts/The-Islamic-State-and-Yazidi-Genocide-3-ei-lhu.mp3.

Online Commentary: "Was Al-Qaeda a winner or loser from the Arab uprisings?" The Conversation, 4 December 2014. https://theconversation.com/was-al-qaeda-a-winner-or-loser-from-the-arab-uprisings-34847.

Online Commentary: “How Will the Syrian War be Resolved?” The Conversation, 2 December 2014. https://theconversation.com/how-will-the-syrian-war-be-resolved-34846,

Television Commentary: “World War I through Arab Eyes,” al-Jazeera and al-Jazeera America, Episodes 1-3, November-December 2014. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf-3HFY5n5A&list=PLJyrzEL-wvYKPBo6LPDoZkrlOY0C68ONp&index=3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERVlnlKCp40&index=2&list=PLJyrzEL-wvYKPBo6LPDoZkrlOY0C68ONp. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKtabAPAa3A&list=PLJyrzEL-wvYKPBo6LPDoZkrlOY0C68ONp&feature=share&index=3.

“Egypt,” “Arab Spring of 2011-12,” Encyclopædia Britannica Book of the Year 2013 (Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2014).

Television Interview: “What is Drawing Americans to ISIS?” The Cycle, MSNBC, 28 August 2014. http://www.msnbc.com/the-cycle/watch/what-is-drawing-americans-to-isis--322916931838.

Online Interview: “ISIS-Baathist Alliance Likely to Break Down in the Near Future,” IranReview.org, 6 August 2014. http://www.iranreview.org/content/Documents/ISIS-Baathists-Alliance-Likely-to-Break-Down-in-Near-Future.htm.

Online Commentary: “What is the Islamic State and its Prospects,” OUPblog, 19 July 2014. http://blog.oup.com/2014/07/what-is-the-islamic-state-and-its-prospects/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=oupblog

Online Interview: “Expert: Takfiris Just One Step away from Salafists, Wahhabis,” Tasnim News Agency (Tehran), 29 June 2014. http://www.tasnimnews.com/English/Home/Single/416377, http://www.tasnimnews.com/Home/Single/415360.

Videocast: “The Mutating Syria Crisis,” Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), Ankara, 21 June 2014. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoFUMvnE-_Q.

Online Commentary: Three-part Series: “Mission Impossible: What’s the Future for Israel-Palestine,” “Why Hasn’t it Been Possible for Israel and Palestine to Reach a Peaceful Agreement in the Last 50 Years?,” “Is a Peace Agreement Possible? What’s the Way Forward?,” Curious Animal, 20, 22, 29 May 2014. http://www.curiousanimal.com/mission-impossible-whats-future-israel-palestine/, http://www.curiousanimal.com/israel-palestine-hasnt-peace-possible/, http://www.curiousanimal.com/israel-palestine-peace-possible-whats-way-forward/.

Online Commentary: “Everything You Think You Know about the Egyptian Revolution is Wrong,” History News Network, 11 February 2014. http://hnn.us/article/154685.

Videocast: “Solutions for Syria,” Panel Discussion, Hammer Forum, 2 December 2013. http://hammer.ucla.edu/programs-events/2013/12/solutions-for-syria/.

Online Interview: “How Did We Get Here, and Where is This Conflict Going: Prof. Gelvin of UCLA Weighs in,” Syriachronicle.com, 4 December 2013. http://syriachronicle.com/how-did-we-get-here-and-where-is-this-conflict-going-prof-gelvin-of-ucla-weighs-in/.

Podcast: “Narrativizing Egypt’s Uprising,” Panel (with Ahmed Maher): “Reclaiming the Egyptian Revolution,” UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies and Department of History, 7 November 2013. http://web.international.ucla.edu/cnes/podcast/135574.

“Egypt,” “Arab Uprisings, 2010-2013,” Encyclopædia Britannica Book of the Year 2013, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1958364/Arab-Uprisings-2010-13-Year-In-Review-2013.

Videocast: "Crisis in Egypt and Syria," Global Consortium, Cerritos College, 12 September 2013. http://new.livestream.com/accounts/4129201/events/2385904.

Online Commentary: “The Real Goal of Obama’s Syria Policy,” History News Network, 8 September 2013. http://hnn.us/article/153220.

Commentary: “Room for Debate: “‘Spring’ Uprisings Are Nothing New,” New York Times, 15 August 2013. http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2013/08/14/is-this-the-end-of-the-arab-spring/spring-uprisings-are-nothing-new.

Online Commentary: “Here’s What Actually Happened (Response to Kanan Makiya,” The Quarterly DAG-3QD Peace and Justice Symposium: The Iraq War and Democracy in the Middle East. at 3 Quarks Daily, 1 July 2013

Online Commentary: “Ten Questions about the Crisis in Syria,” Center for Middle East Development, UCLA, 27 June 2013. http://international.ucla.edu/cnes/news/article.asp?parentid=132774.

Videocast: “The Arab Uprisings: An Analytical Framework,” Harvard University Center for Middle East Studies, 11 December 2012. http://cmes.hmdc.harvard.edu/node/3356.

Podcast: “Reassessing the Recent History of Political Islam in Light of the Current Uprisings,” Podcast, International Institute, 1 November 2012. http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/podcasts/Gelvin-iy-kka.mp3.

Videocast: “Civil Society in Syria: Interfaith Relations during the Uprising” (panel with Father Paolo Dall’Oglio and Lindsay Gifford), UCLA, 5 August 2012.

Videocast: “Teaching MEIS through the Social Sciences: What Do Students Need to Know?,” Conference: “The Middle East across the Curriculum,” California State University, Northridge, 31 July 2012. http://mp3skull.tv/play.php?mp3=1bfsutjYr8OY5MI%3D&y=James%20Gelvin,%20UCLA.

Videocast: “What History Explains: The Arab World at the Intersection of the National and Transnational,” Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, 24 May 2012. http://vimeo.com/44372953.

Podcast: “Living History with Professor James Gelvin,” History Graduate Student Association, UCLA Graduate Student Association, UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, 9 May 2012. http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/podcasts/Gelvin-Aron-ks-21o-1c-fgt.mp3.

Videocast: “James Gelvin: Understanding the Egyptian Elections,” Alternate Focus Productions, 2 February 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoQGwFjrOwc&list=HL1328302274&feature=mh_lolz.

Podcast: “What History Explains: The Arab World at the Intersection of the National and Transnational,” Panel: “Taking Stock: The Arab Uprisings on the Eve of Their First Anniversary” (with Juan Cole), UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, 14 November 2011. http://www.international.ucla.edu/cnes/podcasts/article.asp?parentid=122954.

Podcast: “Libya: The First Arab Revolution?” Podcast, Center for Near Eastern Studies, Global Voices for Justice, KPFK, 4 October 2011. http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/podcasts/GelvinLibya-hw-1ii.mp3.

Online Interview: NEWTON (New Texts Out Now) series, Jadaliyya.edu, 31 August 2011. http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/2486/new-texts-out-now_james-gelvin-the-modern-middle-e.

Podcast: “Whither Syria?” Center for Near Eastern Studies and Global Voices for Justice, 25 May 2011. http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/podcasts/Gelvin-ea-3l1.mp3.

Videocast: “Uncut,” (Remarks on Obama’s Middle East Speech, 23 May 2011), YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qA2xY3Avpo.

Videocast: UCLA News|Week Video: “Al-Qaeda after bin Laden,” 4 May 2011. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/news-week-al-qaeda-after-bin-laden-202606.aspx

Videocast: “[Omar] Suleiman and Egypt's future,” YouTube/UCLA Cross Section, 9 February 2011. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/ucla-cross-section-suleiman-and-192100.aspx.

Videocast: “Egypt and the Debt Crescent,” YouTube/UCLA Cross Section, 2 February 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXUlgUCnf84.

“Nationalism,” entry in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

“Nationalism,” entry in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).

Podcast: “Foucault and the Historiography of Nationalism in the Arab Middle East,” Conference: Foucault and Middle East Studies, UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, 29 April 2009. http://www.international.ucla.edu/cnes/podcasts/article.asp?parentid=107628.

Podcast: “Al-Qaeda as Anarchism,” Conference/Workshop: Jihadi Islam, UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, 27 November 2007. http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/podcasts/jamesgelvin_Nov1307.mp3.

“Palestine, Zionism, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” 24-part lecture series, The Teaching Company, 2002 (web download).

Recent Conference Presentations

Participant, MESA Roundtable on Syria, November 2015.

Organizer and Chair, “The Future of the Survey Course,” Committee on Undergraduate Middle East Studies, Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 2015.

Chair and Discussant, “Rebellion in the Interwar Middle East,” Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 2015.

“The Future of Syria: How to Resolve the Crisis,” International Syria Symposium, History Department, Yildirim Bayazit University and the Strategic Thinking Institute, Ankara, Turkey, April 2015.

“Spillovers: Turkey, Sectarianism, and the Islamic State,” Conference: “Islam and Foreign Policy in the “New” Turkey,” German Marshall Fund of the United States, January 2015.

“Sectarianism, the State System, and the Future of the State in the ‘New Middle East,’ “A Forum on the Political and Humanitarian Crisis in Syria and Iraq,” California State University, Long Beach, December 2014.

Roundtable Participant, “Expansive Pedagogy: New Sources and Approaches to Teaching the History of the Early Modern and Modern Middle East,” Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, November, 2014.

Chair and Discussant, “Authoritarian State-Building in the Arab World,” Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 2014.

“The Ottoman Origins of Arab Nationalism,” Panel: “Ottoman Legacies of the State,” Social Science Historical Association Annual Conference, November 2014.

Chair, “Modern Transformations,” Conference: “From Sufis to Taliban: Trajectories of Islam in Afghanistan,” UCLA Program on Central Asia, October 2014.

“Why There was a Human Rights Revolution in the 1970s—and Why it Took the Form That it Did,” Conference: “Human Rights and Change,” International Studies Association, Istanbul, June 2014.

“Endnote,” Conference: “The Arabic-Speaking Levant in the Age of Late Imperialism: the Mandate States in Global Perspective,” Princeton University, September 2013.

“Crisis in Egypt and Syria: Discussion with Tariq Ramadan and James Gelvin,” Cerritos College, 12 September 2013.

Panel participant, “Sands of Strife: The Changing Middle East,” Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, April 2013.

Respondent, Western Ottoman Studies Workshop, March 2013.

Respondent, Conference: "After Secularization," University of California Humanities Research Institute, March 2013.

“Collective Memory and Nationalist Narrative: On the Possibility of Recounting a "Syrian Experience" of the First World War,” Panel: “Remembering the First World War in the Middle East,” Middle East Studies Association annual conference, November 2012.

Organizer and Chair, Special Session: “How the Arab Uprisings Have Made Us Rethink What We Knew about the Arab World,” Middle East Studies Association annual conference, November 2012.

Chair and Discussant, “The 1967 Watershed: The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Aftermath of the June War,” Middle East Studies Association annual conference, November 2012.

“Justice and History,” First Istanbul World Forum, Prime Ministry's Office of Public Diplomacy and the SETA Foundation for Political, Economic, and Social Research, October 2012.

“Why Things Went the Way They Have,” Conference: “Democratization in Syria, Syrians and Kurds at a Cross Road: Perspectives and Prospects for Change,” California State University, Long Beach, October 2012.

Panel: “Civil Society in Syria: Interfaith Relations during the Syrian Uprising,” UCLA, August 2012.

“What History Explains: The Arab World at the Intersection of the National and Transnational,” Conference: “The Arab Uprisings One Year Later: Examining the Possibilities and Risks,” National University of Singapore Near East Institute, May 2012.

“Reassessing the Recent History of Political Islam in Light of the Arab Uprisings,” Conference: “Religion and Nationalism,” University of California, Irvine, May 2012.

Moderator, “Perspectives on Partition,” Olive Tree Initiative at UCLA, May 2012.

Roundtable: "The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process," UCLA Undergraduate Students Association Council External Vice President's Office and Campus Events Commission, February 2012.

Moderator, “Report from the Ground: The Arab Awakening One Year On,” Pacific Council on International Policy, February 2012.

Roundtable: Political Transition, Rule of Law, and Human Rights: What have we learned from the Arab Spring?, Conference on “Law, Human Rights, and Revolution: Transitions in the Wake of the Arab Spring,” UCLA Law School/Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, February 2012.

Panel: “Reaping the Fruit of the Arab Spring: Seeds of Peace or Further Discontent?” Pacific Council on International Policy Annual Conference, November 2011.

“Teaching MEIS through the Social Sciences: What Do Students Need to Know?,” Conference: “The Middle East across the Curriculum,” California State University, Northside, November 2011.

Moderator, New Approaches to Algerian Jewish Studies, UCLA, October 2011.

“Rethinking the Big Picture: Narrating Middle Eastern History in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings, 1944-Present,” Conference: “Teaching the Middle East after Tunisia and Egypt: Beyond Orientalism, Islamophobia, and Neoliberalism,” George Mason University, May 2011.

“Arab Uprisings: Causes and Patterns,” Roundtable: “Egypt for the Egyptians: The Uprisings in the Middle East,” Pomona College, February 2011.

Chair/Discussant: Rethinking Ottomanism: Citizenship, Nationhood, and Late Imperial Modernity,” Annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, November 2010.

Introduction, Circuits and Networks Conference, UCLA, February 2010

“American Global Economic Policy and the Civic Order in the Middle East,” Conference: “Connections and Ruptures,” Center for American Studies and Research, American University in Beirut, January 2010.

“Politico-Economic Discourse and the Middle East State in the Twentieth Century,” Conference: “The Global Middle East,” University of North Carolina, February 2009.

“Foucault and the Historiography of Nationalism in the Arab Middle East,” Conference: “Foucault and Middle East Studies, UCLA, April 2009.

“Al-Qaeda as Anarchism,” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, January 2009.

“Nationalism, Anarchism, Reform: Understanding Political Islam from the Inside-Out,” Conference: “Terrorism and Modernity: Global Perspectives on Nineteenth Century Political Violence,” German Historical Institute and Tulane University, October 2008.

‘‘Modernity,’ ‘Tradition,’ and the Battleground of Gender in Early Twentieth-Century Damascus,” Conference: “Traditional Scholarship and Asian National Modernity,” Indiana University, Bloomington, October 2008.

“Political Islam: Beyond Religion and Terror,” Plenary Session, Conference: Colloquium on Violence and Religion, University of California, Riverside, June 2008.

“Recent Trends in the Historiography of Nationalism in the Middle East,” Panel: "New Directions in Middle East Historiography," American Historical Association Annual Meeting, January 2008.

“Al-Qaeda and Anarchism: A Historian’s Response to Terrorology,” Jihadi Islam Conference/Workshop, November 2007.

“Iraq: Four Years Later,” UCLA Department of Sociology Irene Flecknoe Ross Lecture Series, Public Sociologists Working Group, April 2007.

Recent Invited Presentations

“ISIS,” Skiball Cultural Center’s Great Decisions Series/Foreign Policy Association, January 2016.

“A New Middle East?,” UCLA Global Security Seminar, January 2016.

Panel Participant: “Mapping the Islamic State's Expansion: North Africa & Beyond,” Pacific Council Global Pulse Luncheon Series, December 2015.

Panel Participant: “On the Terrorist Attacks in Paris,” UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations, December 2015.

“Origins of a Contemporary Crisis: Secret Middle Eastern Diplomacy during and after World War I,” Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, October 2015.

“Spotlight on ISIS,” University of Southern California, October 2015.

“Again, They’re Getting It Wrong about ISIS,” UCLA Seminar on History and Policy, UCLA Department of History, June 2015.

“The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State,” The PLATO Society of Los Angeles, May 2015.

Book Talk: The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know (2nd Edition), Center for Near Eastern Studies and Department of History, UCLA, May 2015.

“The Evolution of the Islamic State,” American Research Institute in Turkey, April 2015.

Panel Discussion: “ISIS: A Discussion on the Rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Its History, and Its Social Implications,” Department of Sociology, San Diego State University, April 2015.

“Exploring the Myth of the Islamic State,” “Public Intellectuals at Pitzer,” Pitzer College, April 2015.

Workshop, “Global and Historical Studies,” Butler University, April 2015.

“The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State (ISIS), Butler University, April 2015.

“The Slow Rise and Rapid Decline of the Islamic State (ISIS),” Rhodes College, March 2015.

“After the Cataclysm: Rewriting the Middle East in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings,” Historians at Work Series, Rhodes College, March 2015.

“Prospects for the Middle East,” Rhodes College, March 2015.

“Historical Perspectives on the Causes of Middle East Conflicts,” Panel discussion: “The Modern Origins of Contemporary Conflicts in the Middle East” lecture series, University of North Carolina Program in the Humanities, March 2015.

“The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State,” “The Modern Origins of Contemporary Conflicts in the Middle East” lecture series, University of North Carolina Program in the Humanities. March 2015.

“Understanding the Islamic State,” Curriculum in Peace, War, and Diplomacy, University of North Carolina, March 2015.

“ISIS and the Islamic State,” Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace, February 2015.

Panelist: “The Past and the Future of the Middle East,” “Why History Matters and the Future of History,” Department of History, UCLA and Center for Near Eastern Studies, UCLA, February 2015.

“Syria, Iraq, and the Birth and Death of the Islamic State,” “Beyond the Headlines” Series, UCLA Extension School, February 2015.

"The Rise and Fall of the Islamic State," Panel: “The Islamic State and the Yazidi Genocide,” Center for Near Eastern Studies, UCLA, January 2015.

“The Legacy of World War II in the Middle East,” Alden-Berg Lecture: “Legacies of World War I, UCLA History Department, January 2015.

Panel Discussion, Film: “Return to Homs,” Human Rights Watch, San Diego, January 2015.

“Why the Israel-Palestine Conflict Doesn’t Matter Anymore,” UCLA Olive Tree Initiative, January 2015.

“What’s Next in the Syrian Civil War,” “A Forum on the Political and Humanitarian Crisis in Syria and Iraq,” California State University, Long Beach, December 2014.

“How World War I Shaped the Middle East,” Panel Discussion: “Legacies of the First World War, UCLA Department of History, November 2014.

“ISIS and the US Response,” Los Angeles World Affairs Council, October 2014.

“The Modern Middle East in Two Acts,” Series: “The Middle East: Cauldron of Crisis and Change,” Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth, Dartmouth College, July 2014.

“The Mutating Syria Crisis,” Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), Ankara, June 2014.

“The Syria Crisis: How it Developed, Where it is Going?” Museum Lectures, Department of History, Bogazaci University, Istanbul.

“Reassessing the Recent History of Political Islam in Light of the Arab Uprisings,” Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies, University of California, Irvine, May 2014.

“US-Syria Relations,” Amnesty UCLA, February 2014

“Solutions for Syria,” Panel Discussion, Hammer Forum, December 2013.

“The Arab Spring,” Columbia Alumni SoCal Club, November 2013.

“The Crisis in Syria,” Panel discussion, Semana Arabe en Mexico, Semana Árabe en México, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A. C. y El Colegio de México, Mexico City, November 2013.

“Understanding the Arab Uprisings,” Semana Arabe en Mexico, Semana Árabe en México, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A. C. y El Colegio de México, Mexico City, November 2013.

“Narrativizing Egypt’s Uprising,” Panel with Ahmed Maher, “Reclaiming the Egyptian Revolution,” G.E. von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies and Department of History, UCLA, November 2013.

“The Egyptian and Syrian Uprisings,” Los Angeles Teachers’ Education Project, October 2013.

“The Arab Uprisings 2.5,” Foreign Service Institute, September 2013.

“The Arab Uprisings as History,” UCLA History-Geography Project, September 2013.

Keynote Address,“Understanding the Arab Uprisings,” Middle East Studies Center Summer Institute, Portland State University,July 2013.

“The Arab Uprisings,” First Friday Ideas Salon, Los Angeles, July2013.

"The Arab Uprisings as History," University of Bologna, May 2013.

"Uprisings and Interventions: Emerging Forces and Dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa," 27th International Training Course, Geneva Centre for Strategic Policy, April 2013.

Keynote Speaker, 13th Annual Southwest Graduate Conference in Middle Eastern and North African Studies, the University of Arizona, Tucson, April 2013.

“The Syrian Implosion: Where it Came From, Where it is Going,” “Beyond the Headlines Program,” UCLA Extension School, March 2013.

“The Arab Uprisings and the Israel-Palestine Conflict,” Boston College, March 2013.

“The Syria Crisis,” Pacifica Institute, Los Angeles, February 2013.

“America and the Middle East in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings,” The Milhaupt Symposium, UCLA, February 2013.

"The Arab Uprisings: Where They've Gone, What They've Shown," California State University, Sacramento, February 2013.

“The Arab Uprisings as History: Patterns and Dissonances,” Columbia University Arab Studies Seminar, January 2013.

“The Arab Uprisings as History,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings: An Analytical Framework,” Harvard University, Center for Middle East Studies, December 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings at the Intersection of the Transnational and National,” Brandeis University, December 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings,” Claremont-McKenna College, November 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings Two Years On,” California Institute for the Arts, November 2012.

“Reassessing the Recent History of Political Islam in Light of the Arab Uprisings,” Center for the Study of Religion Faculty Lecture Series, von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies, UCLA, November 2012.

“Thinking Historically about the Arab Uprisings,” Foreign Service Institute, United States Department of State, Washington, DC, September 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings: The Forest through the Trees,” Bureau of Intelligence and Research, United States Department of State), Washington, DC, September 2012.

“After Assad: The Future of Political Order in Syria” (panel discussion with Steven Heydemann), Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, September 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings as History,” George Washington University, Washington DC, September 2012.

“James Gelvin & Khalid Hussein on the Arab Awakenings,” Levantine Cultural Center, Los Angeles, August 2012.

Panel Discussion on Syria with Father Paolo Dall’Oglio and Lindsay Gifford, UCLA, August 2012.

“Hammer Conversation” on Syria (with Malek Jandali and Mona Simpson), Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, July 2012.

“Assessing a Year and a Half of Arab Uprisings,” UCLA Global Security Seminar, June 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings and Public History,” Living History Lecture Series, UCLA History Graduate Student Association, Center for Near Eastern Studies, Graduate Student Association, April 2012.

“You Say You Want a Revolution,” UCLA Undergraduate History Honors Society (Phi Alpha Theta), April 2012.

“Political Islam in a Time of Turmoil: A Historical Overview,” University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire, March 2012.

“Making Sense of the Arab Uprisings," University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire, March 2012.

“Arab Spring/Arab Fall?: A Look Back,” University of Kansas, March 2012.

“Presenting the Arab Spring,” University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), March 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings: Linkages and Disjunctures,” UCLA Law School Faculty Colloquium, March 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings as History,” California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, March 2012.

“The Arab World at the Intersection of the National and Transnational, Occidental College, February 2012.

"Rethinking the Arab Uprisings One Year Later,” University of Texas (Austin), January 2012.

“The Arab Uprisings One Year On,” UCLA History-Geography Project, December 2011.

Moderator, “The Arab Spring in Egypt,” Artists and Athletes Alliance, Los Angeles, November 2011.

"What History Explains: The Arab World at the Intersection of the National and Transnational," for "Taking Stock: The Arab Uprisings on the Eve of Their First Anniversary," UCLA CNES and History Department, November 2011.

“The Arab Spring and Its Meaning for the United States,” La Cañada/La Crescenta Democratic Club, October 2011.

“Libya: The First Arab Revolution?" UCLA CNES, October 2011.

“What the Arab Uprisings Mean for Humanitarian Intervention,” International Symposium: “Humanitarian Action in the Context of Social Unrest: Challenges to Aid Efforts during the Arab Spring,” American Red Cross of the Los Angeles Region, September 2011.

“Understanding the Arab Uprisings,” UCLA History-Geography Project Summer Institute, July 2011.

“Whither Syria?” UCLA Program of Iranian Studies, Center for Near Eastern Studies, History Department, May 2011.

“The Arab Uprisings,” Beyond the Headlines Speaker Series, UCLA Extension School, May 2011.

“Popular Uprisings in the Arab Middle East,” Santa Monica Rotary Club, April 2011.

Keynote Speaker, Conference: “Facebook Revolution: Social Networking as Mobilizing Force toward Political Change and Democratization in Egypt and across the Arab Word,” Long Beach City College, April 2011.

“The Current Uprisings in the Middle East,” Department of History, UCLA, February 2011.

“Political Islam and the Global War on Terror,” San Diego Chancellor's Associates, University of California, February 2011.

“Varieties of Political Islam,” Swarthmore College, January 2011.

“Nationalism, Anarchism, Reform: Understanding Political Islam from the Inside-Out,” University of Pennsylvania, January 2011.

“The Culture Wars of Early Twentieth-Century Damascus,” University of Pennsylvania, January 2011.

“Enemies and Mistaken Identities: Political Islam in a Post-9/11 World,” Center for the Study of Religion, UCLA, November 2010.

“The Politics of Islam,” Brown University, September 2010.

"'Modernity', 'Tradition' and the Battleground of Gender in Early 20th Century Damascus," Brown University, September 2010.

“The Israel-Palestine Conflict,” Great Decisions lecture series, College of the Desert, Palm Desert, CA., March 2010.

Appleby Lecture, San Diego State University, “A Global War Against Whom, Exactly?,” March 2010.

Twenty-fifth Annual Russel B. Swenson Lecture, Brigham Young University, “Enemies and Mistaken Identities: Political Islam in a Post-9/11 World,” March 2010.

Sesquicentennial Lecture, “Varieties of Political Islam,” University of Memphis, November 2009.

“Global War on What, Exactly?: Making Sense of Political Islam,” Boston College, March 2009.

“Political Islam: What Ayman al-Zawahiri Knows That We Should,” Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, University of North Carolina, February 2009.

“Rethinking Political Islam,” Indiana University, Bloomington, October 2008.

"America and the Israel-Palestine Conflict in the Post-Bush Era," California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, April 2008.

“Al-Qaeda: Twenty-first Century Anarchism," California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, April 2008.

“The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Look Back and a Look Forward,” Lecture Series: Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, California Polytechnic State University, February 2007.

“A Modern History of Southern Syria, Palestine, and Israel,” Global Issues Colloquium: Israel/Palestine, University of California, Santa Cruz, January 2007.

“America and the Middle East: A Historical Overview,” Special Session, Organization of American Historians, March 2005.


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